
It exists two kinds of platforms: platforms running in a cloud infrastructure, and platforms running directly on the physical objects or on gateways they are connected to. Platforms are based on OSGi/Felix (, iPojo ( and

An ASAWoO platform is composed of at least two parts: a WoT runtime and semantic repositories. A third part (i.e. the code repository) can also be deployed if needed (see section “Creation and execution of an ASAWoO platform” in the document).

The ASAWoO platforms can probably be ported to other OSGi platforms such as those listed below but no tests have been done so far.

To compile the source code of the ASAWoO platform you must have:

  • OpenJDK 8 or Oracle JDK 8
  • Maven

If you want to build docker images, you must also install docker and docker-compose.

To install docker on a Debian Linux machine, you must follow the installation procedure described here.

To install docker on a Ubuntu Linux machine, you must proceed as follows:

apt update; apt install docker docker-compose

Get the source code from the git repositories

# Clone of ASAWoO projects
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone


To compile the ASAWoO platform, you must proceed as follows:

cd dependencies && mvn install ; cd -
cd ../avatar && git pull && mvn install ; cd -
cd ../applications && git pull && mvn install ; cd -
cd ../code-repo && git pull && mvn install ; cd -
cd ../semantic-repos && git pull && ./ ; cd -

WoT Runtime Profiles

An ASAWoO WoT runtime can be configured with a profile. A profile defines the bundles that must be installed before starting the runtime, or that must deployed at startup according to a semantic description of the capacities of the physical object. The bundles includes Java classes implementing capacities and functionalities allowing to configure and to control physical objects.

Example of profiles are provided in directory wot-runtime-profiles.

Profiles can be defined hierarchically in order to not redefined a list of bundles that has been already defined in another profile. For example profile core-dtn.conf extends profile core.conf. To perform such an extension, you proceed as follows:



where $ASAWOO_WOT_RUNTIME_PROFILES_DIR is the absolute path of directory wot-runtime-profiles.

Creation and execution of an ASAWoO platform

An ASAWoO platform is composed of at least two parts: a WoT runtime and semantic repositories. Instead of using the ASAWoO market place, an ASAWoO code repository can also be deployed locally.

Semantic repositories

To start a docker container hosting semantic repositories, you must execute the following command:

cd ../semantic-repos && git pull && ./ ; cd -

ASAWoO code repository

Three kinds of ASAWoO code repositories can be used: the ASAWoO market place, a personnal code repository accessible through an HTTP server, and your local maven repository (i.e. ~/.m2/repository).

By default, your local maven repository is used in the docker image of the ASAWoO WoT runtime. To use the ASAWoO market place or a personnal repository accessible through an HTTP server, you can set the environment variable ASAWOO_CODE_REPO to [http://] (http:// or to your own repository.

You can deploy your own code repository as follows:

curl -s | bash -s

More details about the installation of a code repository can be found at:

WoT Runtime

Then you can create a WoT runtime instance with a given profile, and start it as follows :

./bin/dm wot-runtime-profiles/core.conf && ./bin/

Alternatively, you can run the ASAWoO WoT rutime in a docker image with a volume to access your local maven code repository :

docker build -t asawoo/runtime -f docker/Dockerfile .
docker run --privileged -d --rm --name sensor1 -v ~/.m2/repository:/root/.m2/repository -p 8001:9999 -p 9001:9000 -e "ASAWOO_CODE_REPO=$ASAWOO_CODE_REPO" --network asawoo -ti asawoo/runtime

If you want to use your local maven repository as code repository, you must not set the environment variable in the previous command line (i.e. you must remove -e “ASAWOO_CODE_REPO=$ASAWOO_CODE_REPO” from the previous command line).

If you want to manage (i.e. to start, to stop, to delete) the WoT runtime and the semantic repositories using docker-compose, you can proceed as follows:

To start:

docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.platform.yml up -d || exit 1

To stop:

docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.platform.yml stop

Alternatively, you can used the script ./bin/

Creation of new Docker images

The script ./bin/ can help managing the ASAWoO platform using docker.

To create a new Docker image of the ASAWoO runtime, you must proceed as follows:

./bin/ build-runtime

This docker image is based on the core profile. If you want to build a docker image with another profile, you must change the profile in file docker/Dockerfile.

To destroy the docker image of the ASAWoO runtime, you can execute the following script:

./bin/ rm-runtime && ./bin/ rm-runtime-image

Development of a new capability

A capacity implements a functionality. So, in the first place, if the implemented functionality does not exist, you have to define one.

Domain and API

The functionality interface is a Java interface implementing asawoo.core.functionality.FunctionalityInterface provided by ASAWoO Avatar core module. This interface must be annotated with the @Functionality annotation provided by asawoo.core.annotation package in ASAWoO Avatar core module. Each interface method can be annotated with ASAWoO annotations (@Method to declare) and JAX-RS annotations (@Path and http methods @GET, @PUT, …).


Implementation of a new capability

The capacity must implement the domain Functionality interface. It must also be published as an OSGi service (more conveniently by iPOJO annotations) in order to be discovered by the FunctionalityManager.

Bundle metadata stating which functionalities (interface) and capbilities (implementation) are provided by this bundle must be added. This can be done in the project POM file. Developers should use asawoo.functionality and asawoo.capability directives.


  asawoo.functionality; name=AFunctionality,
  asawoo.capability; name=AFunctionalityImplementation; factory=asawoo.applications.things.afunctionality.AFunctionalityImplementation

Development of a new functionality


Development of a new WoT application

The most important resource for WoT application development is the Hello World application.

It is a very simple application compatible with Asawoo. The client side code uses mostly the vuejs framework with the vue-material UI components, it is built with webpack that also provides a nice development server.

Even if your client side technical stack differs, the amount of code is minimal and it is probably a good idea to use this application as a skeleton and to start your project by copying it. Afterwards a simple string replace of all occurences of helloworld or hello-world in files and directory names should get you going. Read the README of the application for instructions on how to work from there.

This application is a Maven Java project with the right structure for compatibility with Asawoo. This compatibility is mostly ensured by these criterias:

If your application is properly structured, built and available in the code repository, you should be able to run the Asawoo platform locally and see it among the other applications in the Applications section of the administration application.